Archive Tag: Music

Reflections on the “Messy Middle”

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  October 22, 2020

by Teri Ong I just read an article in the “Review” section of the Wall Street Journal (July11-12, 2020, pp. C1-2), entitled “Learning to Conquer Life’s Crises” by Bruce Feiler. Feiler expressed many thoughts, supported by anecdotes and some research, that Steve and I had long identified in the experiences of Bible personages. Chief among those ideas is that life is full of “transitions,” and if we have a mindset of just getting through transitions into “real life,” we may miss out on what “real life” really is. For the Christian, real life is living obediently in the Vine, no […]


My Choice for the Season

  March 7, 2019

by Teri Ong I am always excited for Loveland Orchestra concert nights, and we have one coming up this Friday (March 8). The unifying theme for this concert season is favorite pieces selected by members of the orchestra. I submitted two, and they both are part of this concert.  The first one was “anything by Dvorak.” We are playing his most famous symphony– “From the New World,” which is usually called “The New World Symphony.”  It is, however, very old world, since Dvorak was Bohemian born (the western side of what is now the Czech Republic) and spent most of […]