Such Dreams As These

Such Dreams As These

What glittering dreams are born

That hold such promise bright

That stir with faint flutters

Like erratic moth flight!

Ascending and descending,

My soul to heaven is flown

Exhilarated, fearful,

Up dream’s ladder, then down.

A voice, a word, a promise

Like Abraham’s nation,

Grandiose and elusive,

Holding out once begun.

Such dreams as these, as immense

As the sands on the shore

In the darkness glow, now fade;

faded, burn all the more.

Now old, now older, now dead,

Now trust, now laugh, trudge on;

Such dreams as these will remain.

Days, years, decades gone,

Trudge through sand– sands of the sea!

Blessing of all the earth!

Sand, time flow through empty hands–

One solitary birth.

Is that all there is to be?

A single grain, no more?

Trudge on through sand and darkness;

The dream burns as before.

I have not Abraham’s faith

Nor will to be patient.

I shrink, I quail, and now rise:

The dream is insistent.

Looking, hoping, expecting,

Waiting, aging, and gone.

Dark generations pass ‘til

The grain begets the Stone.

I grasp that such dreams as these

Which in the dark are born,

Pursued through the long night

Come true only at dawn.


Teri Ong, April 2011


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