Archive Month: June 2009

by Teri Ong Bill Clinton and his operatives coined (and often repeated) the campaign slogan, “ It’s the Economy, Stupid!”, in recognition of the fact that a large part of the population votes with the pocket book. His slogan is merely a re-cast version of “Follow the money.” That has been said by so many people we could probably never trace its true origin, but it was probably said by an early descendent of Adam. God has warned us over and over again– “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” “Whoever desires to be rich […]


by Teri Ong   I recently read with great appreciation a blog post called “Time to Speak Up” by Kevin T. Bauder [In the Nick of Time, May 15,2009]. The incident that precipitated his fine article was a message by Pastor Dan Sweatt at a meeting of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International wherein Sweatt denounced “Calvinists” as those who “take away the Book” and “take away the Gospel.” Such charges are not only unlearned, Bauder astutely points out that they amount to bearing false witness (un-truths), which is not an error– it is sin. One of Sweatt’s issues is that […]